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Elementary Elementary Mathematics Grade 2

Suggested Prerequisites



In this course, students will use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one-and two-step word problems. The course provides the opportunity for students to continue building their understanding of place value using hundreds, tens, and ones. Students will use this knowledge, as well as strategies, to add and subtract within 1,000. Categorizing 2-D shapes and identifying lines of symmetry is another focus of the course, as well as working with money, time, measurement, perimeter, and graphing data.

Module 1: Introduction to Numbers to 1000

-modeling numbers

-writing numbers

-comparing numbers

-ordering numbers

-rounding numbers

Module 2: Two-Digit Addition

-add within 20

-ten more pattern

-hundred chart addition

-skip counting addition

-place value addition

Module 3: Two-Digit Subtraction

-subtraction within 20

-ten less pattern

-hundred chart subtraction

-skip counting subtraction

-place value subtraction

Module 4: Addition and Subtraction

-regrouping rods and units

-modeling two-digit addition

-adding two-digit numbers with regrouping

-modeling two-digit subtraction

-subtracting two-digit numbers with regrouping

Module 5: Problem Solving

-finding the unknown

-one-step addition problems

-one-step subtraction problems

-two-step addition and subtraction problems

-two-step problem solving

Module 6: Money

-identifying coins

-dollar bills: 1s, 5s, and 10s

-dollar bills: 20s and 100s

-problem-solving with money

Module 7: Time

-analog clocks and digital clocks

-time to nearest five minutes

-parting an hour: halves and quarters

-before noon, after noon

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